Dentures & Partial Dentures

Dentures & Partial Dentures

Dentures and Partial Dentures

Losing teeth is a part and parcel of life. It is a natural phenomenon that you can't avoid. However, it does come with its setbacks. When you lose a lot of your natural teeth, the facial contour begins to droop and the facial muscles start sagging. It simply adds years to your face and you lose your youthful appearance.

Dentures help you restore your youthful appearance by replacing all or a few missing teeth. A denture consists of artificial teeth connected to a gum-colored base that snugly fits over the gum tissues. It is removable in nature and can be taken out while sleeping or cleaning.

How are dentures made?

Dentures are fabricated in dental laboratories and the denture fabrication process takes several weeks and two appointments. Below is a step-by-step guide to how dentures are made.

First visit: Examining, tooth extraction, and impressions

 Step 1

The dentist examines your mouth to determine the kind of denture required for your case. After carefully assessing your mouth, he sketches out a treatment plan.

 Step 2

 Sometimes, the patient loses all his teeth but a few natural teeth remain on the dental arch. These teeth require extraction to make place for a complete denture. If any such teeth are present in your mouth, the dentist will prepare for tooth extraction. The extraction site will be numbed using a local anesthetic. It keeps you from experiencing pain or discomfort during the procedure.

 Step 3

 Special dental tools like forceps and elevators are used to extract the teeth that need removal for a successful denture installation.

 Step 4

Impressions of your jaws are obtained. Measurements of how your jaws relate to one another and come together are also secured. Wax models or plastic patterns are created in the exact shape and position of the denture to be fabricated. You will also be asked to try these models several times to assess the perfect color, shape, and fit.

The recorded data is then sent to a dental laboratory. Using these impressions and measurements, a denture is custom-designed to mimic your natural teeth.

Step 5

The permanent denture will arrive at your dentist's office in two to three weeks. For the time being, a temporary denture is installed in the mouth to restore the basic functions like chewing and talking.

Second visit: Receiving the permanent denture

Step 6

During the second visit, the temporary denture is collected and a permanent denture is handed over to you. Your dentist will also brief you on how to care for and maintain your denture.

What are the different types of dentures?

There are two types of dentures:

1. Complete dentures

Complete dentures or full dentures are the traditional way of replacing missing teeth. They are used when a patient has lost all the natural teeth on a dental arch. Complete dentures are of two types:

a. Conventional full dentures

b. Immediate full dentures

2. Partial dentures

A partial denture is used when a few natural teeth are remaining on the dental arch. It is used to replace one or more missing teeth on the upper or lower jaw. A partial denture consists of one or more artificial teeth connected to a gum-colored base. The gum-colored base fits snugly over the gum tissues and the artificial teeth fill in the space left by missing teeth. It is held in place with metal clasps and can be removed for cleaning purposes.

What are the advantages of partial dentures?

The advantages of partial dentures are:

  • Partial dentures replace one or more missing teeth on a dental arch. A single partial denture can replace a single tooth or multiple teeth.
  • Unlike complete dentures, partial dentures can be installed in the mouth even when a patient has a few natural teeth remaining.
  • Partial dentures can be fabricated in a single day. The process takes only 4-8 hours and the patient does not have to live with a temporary denture.
  • The partial denture installation is non-invasive. No damage is caused to the adjacent teeth.
  • The removable nature of partial dentures allows the patient to keep them clean and hygienic.
  • The procedure is cost-effective. Partial dentures are the most affordable means of replacing missing teeth.
  • Teeth replaced by partial dentures are aesthetically pleasing and improve the cosmetic appeal of the smile.

At Jones and Hindbaugh Dental, the art and technology of modern dentistry are tactfully employed to systematically restore the damage and improve the cosmetic appeal of your smile. Dr. Erica Jones Hindbaugh and Dr. Russel Jones specialize in creating a coordinated treatment plan to give you a complete smile makeover. Book an appointment with us today for a more youthful and healthy smile.


4602 Valley West Blvd., Arcata, CA 95521

Phone: (707) 822-4689


  • MON - FRI: 7:00 am - 4:30 pm
  • SAT - SUN: Closed
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2594 Shay Court, Fortuna, CA 95540

Phone: (707) 725-5025


  • MON: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • TUE - THU: 7:00 am - 4:30 pm
  • FRI: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • SAT - SUN: Closed
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